Emergency Dignity Kits
Emergency Dignity Kits provided Internally Displaced girls in in the South West region (conflict zone)and Littoral Region (host community) with the emergency education and hygiene kits that addresses their
specific needs in terms of menstrual hygiene, gender based violence, emergency health
information etc.
While it is certain that much progress has been achieved in terms of girls rights in the
last decades, there are however no questions that certain cultural practices especially in
Africa and Cameroon in particular still exists that threatens the education, health,
security and development of the girl child. One of such challenges is related to the
sexual and reproductive health of girls and women. Lacking access to basic sanitary
and hygiene products or facilities, women are forced to use unhygienic cloth and girls
often skip school out of shame and fear of public humiliation. Lack of basic products or
knowledge about how to manage menstruation can lead to both physical and
psychological harm and results in girls missing out on crucial education. UNESCO
estimates that 1 in 10 African girls skip school during their period, eventually leading to
a higher school drop out rate.
Conflict or disaster situations make this challenge more severe; girls and women are
even more vulnerable to developing health problems because they lack access to basic
hygiene supplies and facilities. Since the first humanitarian response to crisis is often
food, shelter and other ‘visible’ food and non-food items, menstrual health and other
aspects of sexual and reproductive health often go attended to. Many international
organizations and CSOs are already meeting the needs of these vulnerable populations
in terms of shelter, food, income generation etc. but there is a dire need for continuous
education and sensitization both for IDP girls and host communities to manage the
challenges posed by rape, GBV and lack of access to MHM.
With a huge in surge of internally displaced persons in the Limbe community as a result
of the on-going socio-economic crisis, Girls Excel will like to provide service package on
reproductive health designed for Adolescent girls and young women living in host
communities in Livanda, Sasse and Tiko in the South West region of Cameroon